A bug's life beta vhs tape

WARNING THIS IS A JOKE I MADE JUST FOR FUN!!! AND it has alot of swearing
A bugs life....
Pixars 2nd 3d movie.I was a success for the company,but,at first,that was the 2nd goal.My name is Eddie,I loved a bugs life because it was the first movie I saw in theaters.
I recently found the beta vhs of a bugs life.I found it under some old movies at my local thrift store....The case looked..Alot like the final.. but flick looked less like flick he looked black insted of blue
his eyes were almost on the sides...When I got it the cashier said "bugs life huh?" I said yes.But when he looked at it he said, "Umm, you sure you want this?" I said yes again but he said "you want this hell hole of a vhs tape!?"
I said that why he was saying those words then he said "if you watch it,you will know what I mean..."I thought he ust hated a bugs life.But I should had listen to him.Once I got back home I smashed the tape into my vhs.
When it played I noticed some static at the begging.Then it had a picture of some paper with the text. december/15/1988 A BUGS LIFE,THIS IS A TEST ONLY! THIS SHALL NOT BE SEEN BY THE PUBLIC.
I was shocked and creeped out.It began with the intro it was very different.The sky was black and the logo did not have the custom bug font.it was very glitchy and scary the only "music" in the backround was static noise
It started all the ants were doing,nothing at all.Then princess Atta said these words "Aright!Coloney!We got to get this garbage to those terrible no good grasshoppers!
Then one ant said "but why? I am tierd and I want to die! then Atta said in a bad mood "ITS BECAUSE I AM NEXT QUEEN AND I WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET MY WAY RETARD!"
I was shocked that such language was in a kids film! Then another ant said "What about rights!? I can do whatever I want thank you!" Then Atta said "OH OH OH!OH MY YOU BASTERD!,WANKER!!!!!1!!"
I was shocked even more that there was swearing in this film for kids! Then it was Flik.I noticed he was using....A chainsaw?
Then Dot came along and she called Flik Frick."Hey Frick! how are you doing today?" Frick said "Oh I dident see you there!"   Dot then said "Is that a chainsaw???"
Then flick said "Hey spot,do you wanna test my chainsaw?" Dot said no but Frick Yelled at her then He took pot and proceded to kill dot.I almost puked at the site.Then frick said "hahahahahahgh!" Then The grasshopers came
they were bigger and they were this yellow green color.Then hopper came and he had four arms and two legs and he looked more fat.
Then hopper said "AGGGHHH WERE IS MY FOOD!!! I'M HUNGRY" Anna said "WE DON'T HAVE FOOD IDIOT!" This made hopper pissed off
and he said "ARE YOU SAYING IM STUPID!?" "IF YOU DO THINK THAT THEN DIE!!!!" He ran away then Frick and Anna said that they would hunt down the Hopper then they bolth went to the circus and then I saw all of the characters 
I saw Gypsy first,She had the wrong colors and she looked wierd then dim looked wierd too,he looked lifeless and he had the wrong colors too.Then Pt flea came along and said to slim and slim
said "I don't wanna be a prop forever!" Pt flea said "no you fucking idiot your a god damn clown to trick children!"
Then Frick came to the circus and he looked at them,and he said "Hey you guys will help me on my trip to kill hopper!"  Dim said "ho kay misetr ant"
Then the tuk and roll came they were ok but thier voice was kinda racist to russians.
Dim put Frick on his back and he flew off,Then Atta was there and frick was there too,Frick said "We should kill hopper and all of his pals"
Then Atta,Frick,and half of the circus were making the bird,originaly a blue jay,and then Frick said "queen should get a primary attack"
After that they went to a wierd place. A wierd bald ugly man was there he had a shotgun with a gasmask
almost all of the ants charged at him,the man screamed and charged back.Dim came and screamed making the man drop his gun.
Then they all attacked with the shotgun his small head blew up and I saw alot of blood and gore.
After that,the ants completed the bird,Then the grasshoppers came.Then Frick was controlling the bird and he fired he killed alot of his own colloney.
Then Hopper had gasoline and he burned the bird and half of Frick.
After that hopper shot a arrow at dim killing him instently Gybsy was looking around and she died of getting stabbed with slim.
Then tuk and roll got mad at eachother and killed themselves by fighting.
Then Frick attacked Hopper by stabbing him with the same arrow that Dim had Hopper pulled Fricks left arm off of his body in one tug.
Then almost everyone was dead slim died of breaking into 2,Then hopper got Frick badly hurt and Frick killed hopper
and then Frick said "Die,Die,Die,Die,Die,die before falling on his own feet and dying This was a reference to the scene were the kids play the play.
When it finaly ended I Threw the tape out and I smashed it into many pieces.
I don't watch a bugs life anymore in fact,I don't even watch pixar anymore.I always watch  Dreamworks insted.
So,if you see ANY movie that has a beta vhs or disc,never buy vhs tapes or dvds that are at the very botem that are beta discs.